PELLYVISION w/ Diskore and Fiend

Broadcast live on DUBLAB 9.17.2020

Diskore grew up in the So Cal underground scene of the 1990’s and fell in love with all things RAVE at an early age. Upon befriending other members of their crew with similar aesthetics and interests, Darkmatter Soundsystem was formed; which the crew would go on to organize countless undergrounds bringing the burgeoning sound of hard experimental electronics to LA.

Steve Vasquez AKA DJ Fiend spawned from Rialto, CA in 1995 through the help of Industrial Strength Records and continued DJing until 1998 when he started to produce his own music. Fiend would go onto produce music on various labels such as Corrupt, Apocalypse, Hong Kong Violence & Rebel Scum to name a few. Today he continues his musical work through and alongside his fellow Darkmatter Soundsystem crewmates.

Audio archive available on dublab here.