Video Synthesis Workshop for Perfect Circuit (POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS)


Saturday, March 14 - 6pm

Curious about how video synthesis works? Come and learn from the extraordinary video artist Alex Pelly the essentials of the art form.

Video synthesis, although originally emerging in 60's, still remains a largely under-explored territory for many synthesists. While it shares much of the same principles as traditional sound synthesis, the field is still full of mystery and misunderstanding.

Perfect Circuit decided to come up with something that will aid in demystifying the concepts of analog video synthesis. Thus we've invited an extraordinary video artist Alex Pelly for a one-of-kind workshop focused on the basics of the practice. Equipped with a flexible LZX modular video synthesizer, Alex will be creating a complex patch live, in front of your eyes, thoroughly explaining what each module's purpose is along the way.

Perfect Circuit / 2405 Empire Ave, Burbank, CA 91504

More details on Facebook and Eventbrite.